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Setup development environment


  • This project uses pdm ⧉ as package manager
  • A Postgres DB v14+
  • A Redis server


PDM will create a virtualenv in /.venv, and install dependencies into it. If you wand to change this behaviour please read the PDM Documentation ⧉

Create virtualenvironment

  1. Checkout code

    git clone
    git config branch.autosetuprebase always
  2. In the shell:

    pdm venv create
    pdm use
    pdm venv activate
  3. Check your virtualenv is properly created

    pdm info

  4. Install the package

     pdm install
     pdm run pre-commit install
  5. Add export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:./src"

  6. Check your environment:

    ./ env --check and configure the missing variables.


    You can generate a list for your development environment with the command

    ./ env --develop --config --pattern='export {key}={value}'
  7. Run upgrade command to properly initialize the application:

    ./ upgrade --admin-email ${ADMIN_EMAIL} --admin-password ${ADMIN_PASSWORD}


    Django migrations and collectstatic commands are automatically included in this step

Configure environment for .direnv

If you want to use direnv ⧉ and automatic loading of environment variables from a .envrc file:

./ env --develop --config --pattern='{key}={value}' > .envrc

echo 'export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:./src"' >> .envrc
echo 'eval $(pdm venv activate)' >> .envrc
echo "unset PS1" >> .envrc


The first time after you have created or modified the .envrc file you will have to authorize it using:

direnv allow